Importance of High Quality Photography

Over the years here at CHD we have seen our fair share of images supplied to us to use in publications. Whether they be professionally shot stunning photos or a simple iPhone photo quickly emailed over at 72 dpi we always try our best to work with what’s supplied.

What is your target audience’s reaction going to be to a poor quality photograph of your product? Will it be positive? Is it going to make them want to buy your product? These are some important questions you need to ask yourself.

CHD have the experience to be able to check over your images and give you an honest and impartial evaluation of what should and shouldn’t be used. This is important as due to the accessibility of the Internet we are often being sent images that have been taken directly from the web which are far too low quality to print!

The art of stunning product shots is something that takes time, patience and experience. The use of studio lighting reflectors and equipment all becomes key when trying to take the perfect shot to sell your product. We have as a business looked into various different techniques but we still revert to our original set up for the best looking shots, this is a large part of our research and development which drives our studio forward!

Why not give us a call to discuss our photography services and how we can help benefit the sales and look of your product.

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