Corner House’s meet the team…Questionnaire

When developing our website here at Corner House we played with the prospect of having Bio pages for each of our staff allowing clients to get to know us.  This was purely during the development stages and after finalising the layout/look of the site we decided against it!

So what do we do with this information we collated from our staff? Well we are going to put it into this blog post for you to have a fun light read. So read on to learn a little more about our staff:

How many years have you been in the industry?

(Dave) 37 Years

(Julie) 34 years on and off {children permitting}

(Alex) 4 Years {started as a fresh-faced 18yo}

Favourite Colour…

(Dave) Blue for the better side of Manchester

(Julie) Purple

(Alex) Red and I have to admit I’m a City fan!


(Dave) Christmas {we think he may have been Santa and we’re not referring to the silver hair}

(Julie) My cats and my new push bike

(Alex) My Ford Capri!


(Dave) Bad service

(Julie) Cruelty, be it to people or animals

(Alex) Politicians (they all talk the same rubbish)

Pet Hates…

(Dave) Being late

(Julie) Blunt pencils {yes Julie has issues!}

(Alex) Chomping!

How do you spend your time away from the office?

(Dave) Relaxing in Wales with my wife

(Julie) Relaxing in Wales with my husband

(Alex) Working on the bangers (Stock Cars) down the unit!

Random Fact…

(Dave) Kangaroo’s can’t hop backwards

(Julie) Worked with the boss for over 30 years

(Alex) Hot water is heavier than cold water

I think Google has been used for some of the answers above tut tut!

Couldn’t live without…

(Dave) Alcohol

(Julie) My family

(Alex) Patch the pooch!

Favourite Song…

(Dave) Andy Williams – It’s the most wonderful time of the year

(Julie) December 63, 3 Times a Lady and Michael Buble – Home, can I have 3?

(Alex) The Killers – Mr Brightside

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